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8 benefits of apple you should know about

Apples, a highly nutritious fruit, offer a wide range of health benefits. Scientific research suggests that consuming apples may decrease the risk o…

What to do on Diarrhoea?

A diet consisting of bland foods can be beneficial in resolving diarrhea more quickly and reducing stomach discomfort and irritation. The BRAT diet…

How to increase your height?

Height is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetics is believed to contribute around 80% to a person's final hei…

How to prevent hairfall

Losing around 100 hairs per day is considered normal due to the natural hair growth cycle. However, if you're experiencing excessive hair loss,…

How to prevent acne: 14 Tips to reduce Pimples

Dealing with acne can be difficult, but there are some steps you can take to heal your skin and prevent new breakouts. Although there is no  any gua…

Can cinnamon improve the looks of your hair?

Cinnamon is a well-known spice that is believed to have positive effects on hair health. It is suggested that it can promote hair growth, reduce hai…
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